Band kicked off the field

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SF Band dad
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Band kicked off the field

Post by SF Band dad »

Band kicked off the field

“GET THE DAMN BAND OFF THE FIELD,” a parent of one of the football players said at the AHS Marching Atoms “mid show” of their Senior Night performance on Nov. 8.

Then the unspeakable happened. Coach Mike Scott and a few other coaches as well as some players began yelling at the band and Band Director Adam Hilkert to “get the band off the field.” According to the game clock, we had about 4:30 left and halftime wasn’t over.

< Excerpt - full article at link >

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Re: Band kicked off the field

Post by SF Band dad »

:evil: :evil:

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Re: Band kicked off the field

Post by trojanway »

I saw this on Facebook as well...the crazy thing was one of the coaches actually shook the stand of the drum major, trying to get them to stop. And this must have been important as this same team lost a CLOSE game 55-14.

We had senior night last week as well and the band played after the senior football and cheerleaders were recognized. Now we did things a little different as our band combined with Rock Hill's band but as the clock got close to 0:00 the teams waited patiently. Then they added 3 minutes to the clock so the players could warm up so I guess our schools actually followed through with the extra time.

Sad to hear that this school placed more value on one segment of students over another segment.

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Re: Band kicked off the field

Post by cavaliereagle »

This coach should, at the very least, be fired. Maybe even charged with child endangerment for shaking the platform the child was on.

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Re: Band kicked off the field

Post by Penguin »

Back in the 1990s, Beaufort High had a very good Band and Band Director. They were in big New Year's Day Parades and had some really cool uniforms. We were still at the old High School in Mossy Oaks at the time. I forget exactly who we were playing that night, maybe Eau Claire if my memory serves me right, but our Band Director agreed to allow the other school to have the Halftime show since they had brought their Band from that far away. The Beaufort High Band, then performed their Halftime show before the game. The finally came as the pregame clock hit zero. The Band then began marching off the field towards their section of the Home side stands. The Referee suddenly blew his whistle and threw his flag about 30 feet into the night sky. They actually gave Beaufort a delay of game penalty before the game ever started. Lost what little respect that I had for officials that night. Totally unnecessary and a blatant abuse of power. In going to games for over 50 years now, one of the craziest decisions that I ever saw.
The "Godfather" didn't whine like The "Slobfather" is doing, when he got INDICTED!!!!!

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